Friday, 17 April 2015
Batman v Superman official trailer arrives

star wars the force awakens trailer debuts online

batman v superman’ trailer leaks online

Thursday, 16 April 2015
xbox (life is short play more) 2002
in 2002 Microsoft's campaign for it's hybrid console the Xbox became hard hitting with in the press due to it's provocative outlook between life and death that was
celebrated by this mother giving birth in the opening moments of the campaign and the baby fires out the womb and detach it self from the umbilical cord and shoots
across the room and exits out of the window and rapidly ages in the air before he descended to an grave with the closing with throbbing sound effects over the logo
and ends with the slogan LIFE IS SHORT PLAY MORE at the time it premiered caused distressing concerns with expecting mothers about it's graphic nature and became
intensely disturbing for younger children due to high volumes of complaints that the independent television commission told Microsoft that this campaign will no
longer advertised in this form again due to being created by BBH an CEO of Microsoft apologised for any stress it concerned but the campaign was not out right
banned that they decided to screen the campaign at theatres due to not being regulated by ITC and slapped with an 18 cert by the British film board of classification
but the company also stated that it was no way attentionally to shock people but however it did turned some heads at the cannes film festival winning gongs in the
same year but years later the campaign resurrected on YouTube as one of the most commented and shared controversial campaigns to this very day however 3 years later
it's competitor sony was also wrapped for having their campaign tarred with the same brush due to the baby angle but with an difference instead of being another
birth it was an plastic baby doll sitting down in front of an playstation 3 staring at the screen and started becoming demonically animated that shocked it's younger viewers but
eventually got pulled probably with the same warning that is it will never being showed in it's current form again the ps3 campaign like the Xbox original campaign
also constantly shared and commented campaign on YouTube but sadly old habits didn't die hard for either companies when it came to campaigning their products that caused
future scrutiny with the English press and Television Watchdogs that came on an regular basis you can see the examples of the xbox campaign bellow .
!warning of caution this campaign contains scenes of distressing nature and for mature audiences only viewing discretion is advised !

xbox life is short cleaned version by frankie-smales
Spot Xbox - Life is short by gaialodovica

xbox life is short cleaned version by frankie-smales
Spot Xbox - Life is short by gaialodovica
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
my autograph
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
the sisters of murphy's
you would have imagine three leather cladded girls usually seen advertising cars at car expos and selling leather lingerie but think again the brewers that produces the famous
Irish stout murphy's was looking for their next promotional campaign so they came up with an idea by of using girls to spice things up and using high octane action with the feel
of Charlie's angels with the name the sisters of murphy's that was an almost identical name to an rock group by the name the sisters of mercy but however came up with an ingenious
way possible on how to introduce the three girls is by having them as farm working girls that suddenly transform in to these three leather cladded heroines posed by an special effect
and showing the audience what to expect in the series that was created by the ad agency BBH and the campaigns was done as an series that in each one constantly rescuing male damsels
in various situations without any kind of raw violence all just tongue and cheek the campaigns debuted in 98 that had minor edit's suitable for the 7pm time schedule and uncut for
the 9pm watershed that ran for 1-2 mins the girls was played by models Lisa Barbuscia and Philippa Lett along with Australian Actress Nina Young that these three became icons in
brewing history with them being most watched and talked about on the internet via viral sites including YouTube and dozens of others but shortly dropped by the ad agency due to
them looking for their next project for the murphy's brand but the three girls will always be treasured by fans the world over and DRINK TO THE SISTERS OF MURPHY'S guys and have
one on them the next time you order a pint of the Irish stout at the bar or at home watching them on the internet .

GhostWatch bbc (1992)
in the 90's The British based television network the BBC provided the audience with this surreal reality television style show featuring English Television
presenters including Michael Parkinson and Sarah Green along with mike smith lastly actor Craig Charles that goes and investigate hauntings around England
with intensions to shock the audience this was pre-most haunted and it did lead to many viewers complained about the nature of the show thought that they were
seeing on the screen was real and lead the show to be pulled for an decade and was never shown on television and over time the show did get some valuation
by the way of digital distribution on DVD that comes stand alone or an double feature pack along with the disturbing television drama the stone tape
however both shows was voted the most scariest moments in a channel four viewers pol how ever ghost watch was starting at the time when the X-files was
beginning it's pop culture status but the show was published in pulp horror magazines for fangoria and many others that followed lastly there's vintage
clips of the show widely available on viral video sites like youtube and the DVD can be purchased online via ebay and amazon for marked up prices and
must have for horror collectors and ghost hunting enthusiasts to treasure for ever and it was the most shocking mockumentary since the notorious faces
of death that was deemed as an video nasty in the pre-cert era in my expressive opinion I classed Ghost Watch as an shock documentary with inspirations
of facsimiles that followed but if you are at an nervous disposition I wouldn't recommend to watch it alone in the dark to say it will send shivers up
your spine so it is best watch it with a group of people with the lights on and sick bags aplenty this is best served chilled at Halloweens that's if
you have balls of steel and an rock hard stomach failing that call Bruce Campbell to comfort you all joking aside it is a must see experience and an
important note Charles is more known for playing Dave Lister in the cult sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf and for the robotic battle show Robot Wars and for
green and smith are renowned for their works of hosting the weekly pop entertainment show Top of The Pops and as radio dj's on BBC radio 1 and for
green her other works was presenting the factual Saturday morning magazine show going live with Philip Schofield and for Parkinson he was known for
being an talk show host called Parkinson in which he interviews upcoming and establish celebrities that was hot property for that decade well as being
a spokes man for an life insurance campaign for sun life's over 50 plan also for Charles he had an late night entertainment show where he interview
guests well as introducing live acts during the 90's decade and green also did advertising campaigns for nescafes gold blend range with gareth hunt .

OutThere channel 5 and bravo
OutThere was this late night adult television show created by Opi productions with syndications on both the English based channel 5 not to be confused with
the minor vhs distributors back in the 80's and the bravo network that features the fictional virtuous host called Eden in the first two season's the character
originally played by Anneka Svenska who is an British model and actress that in the first season she had an short dark brown bob and an brown leather amazon
tribal dress before her radical change into an femme icon that had long red streaks in her blond hair with an skimpy outfit in which she takes the viewer
through an nostalgic ride into the weird and the unusual with clips of various grindhouse films all just in 25 mins in each episode that was an staple diet
for pulp horror fans every Friday nights but after season 2 Svenska left to be replaced by horror television host Emily Booth in which the titular host had
an radical make over but with an more skimpier outfit with long dark hair but sadly after season 3 the network that is Channel 5 axed the show and it was
currently repeated on then bravo channel how ever that it became totally harder to get anywhere to say there was no digital rights where fans can by the show
on dvd but still very rare to get today but fans will have to do with 3min clips of the show on viral sites but you can get to relive the series upon request
from the channels hosts via private arrangements on YouTube other than that it is very hard to obtain and no lettings of Channel 5 from repeating them unless
the horror channel get the rights to them other then that it was an great show on Friday nights right up there with Emmanuelle on the sci-fi network and both
svenka and booth rocked Friday nights and will be in memories of those who followed the series I quite loved every min of the cult tv show on every Friday night.

Ninja iii: the domination (1984)
Lucinda dickey plays Christie an young curvaceous telephone engineer and aerobics instructor who works on an telephone connection box where she see's this stranger so she goes to help or at least tries until both started struggle in an tussle after that Christie was about to ran but stops and goes over and starts the ritualistic process of giving her
this ninja sword and transfer his spirit into her body the next day she was taking a witness statement to officer Billy Secord after that she encounters an fellow officer and
started having weird flashbacks of the officer gunning down her possessor in which later she embarks to hunt the officer down and kill him that ends up being the continuation
through out she dose not know why she is doing this neither do Secord until he seeks help by this which doctor played by James Hong that agrees to get down to the root of
Christie's behaviour even though she's not down with things like this but went along with the appointment it starts of normal at first then she starts spinning around that
almost made the actress sick whilst filming it due to the conclusion that she's possessed only way Secord can release the demon is by turning to this stranger with an eye patch
and cladded in black after being questioned for stealing the spirits body from the morgue whilst Christie continues to behave very strangely then Secord comes home to check on her
then for her security he almost restrained her and was about to kill him Secord screams and she runs off and makes her way to the destination in order to meet the stranger for
an second time but it all works well to say she wins Secord back but the film never had an full validation up on release and deemed it an commercial failure but later dickey went
on to be in a successful film about urban street dancing with the title Breakin' a film to rival Beat Street that works on the same principal but Breakin' won hands down and declared
it the successful movie of 1984 but at time of home entertainment media Ninja iii finally see the potential it deserves on Vhs following digital treatment's on Dvd and Blu ray
but the film can be purchased on these formats selling for higher mark ups via ebay and amazon that is if you want it legitimately and a must have for martial arts movie fans
without no doubt that this movie would have being on the hot list of video nasty's in England due to graphic violence with the usages of ninja swords and flying stars and
potentially an 18 rated film and thus in which it did but scathed of the video nasty list thew what an relief but later inspired other female martial arts movies like rage and
honour with Cynthia Rothrock and others that followed but I thoroughly enjoyed the movie due to a fan of martial arts and aerobics to say I am self taught in both but dickey
won me over big time.

Monday, 13 April 2015
pot noodle raunchy advertising
golden wonder the makers of pot noodle came up with an strange way of taking the saying food is the art of love to an whole new level by creating a series
of snuff film like advertising featuring the titular favourite snack in various adult situations with provocative overtones and a way to heat up the campaign
with sleazy slogans including the slag of all snacks and hurt me you slag that ended up in every bus stand and advertising boards across England
that caused an litany of complaints about using vulgarity to advertise products as these television stations pride themselves on clean advertising along
came the slag of all snacks one later to become it's dirty and you want it that the story of the campaign was mainly focused on the disgusted husband due
to being bored of eating rubbish and wanted something tantalising to eat after seeking advice from his friend on the phone the husband sets of to the red
light food district for each shop he was in to request the snack and ends up getting rejected then in the last one he was successful by asking this striking blonde
in kinky attire with do you serve pot noodle the blonde said meet me around the back in 2mins so later both was seen having wild orgasms with the dredd
of guilt from the husband came out with it feels so wrong but yet it feels so right then an raunchy v.o said the slag of all snacks at the end but sadly
the time it was shown young children was up seeing it very early in the evening that disgusted the parents and took the complaint to the independent television
commission and deemed the campaign offensive at the time it was shown and demanded to the advert agency HHCL to re-edit the campaign and was told it will be
on after nine pm but that did not please those who championed the complaint and demanded further to have it banned so the television campaign got dropped
by replacing it with another one about an couple having BDSM role play where the man begs the woman cladded in dominatrix garb for his submission on all
fours on the couch urning for his obedience and submission the woman then awards her male dominant with the latest pot noodle flavour the spicy hot
Bombay bad boy whilst he chows down on it the creepy expressions of temperament start to show on the woman's face and he ends up on the floor due to the
intense hotness of the pot noodle bad boy because of the hot spicy sauce and the campaign climaxes with the man saying hurt me at the end being
posed by some special effect and following by a couple romancing in an exotic setting by being approached by the el mariachi band the couple thought they
was treated to a serenade at first it all ends up confessional with the band singing about how the husband cheating on her by sneaking out at night and
going to a seedy food place for the forbidden snack and the wife felt disgusted by the events and ends but sadly that was the last straw
with these snuff like porn campaigning's of pot noodle after the last one featuring a guy on the bus with an young woman taking tops of and started dancing
as if they were doing the lambada then it ends up it was all a dream and realising it was an hipster not a girl he was dancing with that put an end to
the sleaze that golden wonder was doing so all of the advertising got dropped by role on the power of the internet the kinky campaigns for pot noodle
can be viewed and treasured forever to say now there's an abundance of site's including viral and publishing sharing ones in which the content can be
obtained but I rather found the campaigns very amusing to this very day there is another one that I have forgotten to add was the pot noodle horn
where this guy meets his friends in an restaurant with a seemingly bulge in his pants from an observed angle he looked like having an extended
scrotum but it turned out to be a brass horn and blows it that disgusted the others and the campaign ends with have you got he pot noodle horn.

judderman (2000)
this advert for a brand of alcoholic beverage for metz caused an right stir due to it's narrative about this creepy dude called
the judderman a clichéd character based on jack frost and many other shadowy villain's the setting is in an dark Forrest that
this traveller encounters the titular character with a bottle of metz that moves like the vampire in nosferatu blended with
old age rustic filming as the characters travel through the Forrest they end up in an eerie city it was quite obvious that
the traveller was duped by falling into the judderman's trap and giving in as when he succumbs to temptation the judderman
starts transforming into an ice statue with an weird voice over said beware of the judderman my dear when the moon is fat
and it climaxes with the characters as marionettes filmed entirely in Budapest but due to the time it aired the advert
scared loads of children that lead to over dozen's of complaints but the advert was shifted to the 9pm watershed but
it eventually got pulled by various television bodies but the advert did lead to be voted the creepiest advert of all
time in an channel four viewers voting pol but it gained it's status on viral video sites plus costume play tributes .

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