the force was with loads of star wars fans at this years annual star wars convention in Manheim and was treated to the preview trailer of the seventh chapter in the star
wars saga before the trailer hit YouTube and many other viral sites where the trailer can be streamed the film will be causing more hype and hysteria when it hits cinemas
on 18th of December and it will be star wars at it's finest after Disney Corporation purchased all rights of the merchandise from George Lucas however still carry the Lucas
films brand this will include brand new merchandise and this time the cinematic saga will be directed by former star trek reboot helmer JJ Abrams creator of such shows
as Alias plus many others however fan reactions of the trailer was mixed emotions and here is the screen caps of the trailer bellow and an sneak peak of the trailer itself
below to say that Abrams promised it will be truthful to the originals since the series started in 1977 and will not disrespect the creation of Lucas and the franchise so
Darth Vader Voice changers and Light Sabres ready for this great treat that will leave you breathless and speechless lastly have you in tears of joy and delight so enjoy
the trailer and may be the force be with you always.
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